General Partner |
- Set Direction for the Firm
- Set & Manage Annual Budgets
- Manage Employees
- Mange Backoffice
- Manage Vendors
- Manage Investor Relations
- Define Investment Thesis/ Criteria
- Lead Deals
- lead Fundraising
- Portfolio Support
- lead Non
- Deal Related Projects
- Represent the Firm Publicly
- Deal Sourcing
- Financial Modeling
- Market Research
- Deal Diligence
- Personal capital contnbution usually of at least 1% of the total capital committed to the fund by limited Partners
- Founding GPs would have likely spent $50 and SISCe of their personal wealth to form the fund
- Founding GPs usually leave lucrative VC or operating roles to start over and build their own VC startup
- Founding GPs usually forgo months of salary and live off of savings to launch and build the firm during the initial fundraising process
- Reputation and financial risk for deal and / or fund failures
- A successful General Partner
- sources and makes successful investments into startups that return capital to her limited partners
- works closely to support portfolio CEO's as they create value
- builds relationships with investors and raises capital
- has a significant network that she activates for the benefit of the fund and its portfolio companies
- inspires her partners and employees
- supports employees and mentors them towards achieving their potential as investors
- builds the firm's brand is recognized as a thought leader in the industry garners the respect of entrepreneurs and other VCs
Vice President |
- lead Deals w/ Sponsorship from GP
- Assist with Fundraising Activities
- Portfolio Support
- teed Non
- Deal Related Projects
- Represent the Firm Publicly
- Manage Junior Deal Team Members
- Deal Sourcing
- Financial Modeling
- Market Research
- Deal Deligence
N/A |
- Vice President is expected to source deals outside of the firm's network. If a founder is a friend of the GP, has worked with the GP, or is a member of the GPs network, she shouldn't count that deal as a deal that she sourced because it is basically corning in as a result of the GP. It likely landed on her desk as the result of a It of effort that occured prior to her meeting that founder.
- This role is also expected to execute deals with very little oversight from the GP. If the GP is responsible for negotiating the terms of the deal then the GP led the deal and the VP supported. This is the case even if she did much of the heavy lifting during the diligence process. Either she owns and negotiates or not.
Principal/ Venture Partner |
- dead Aspects of Deals
- lead Non
- Deal Related Projects
- Manage Associates on Deals
- Deal Sourcing
- Financial Modeling
- Market Research
- Deal Diligence
N/A |
- A successful veture partner maximizes the reputation of the firm and the GPs to begin to build their own brand. As such she is able to bring in and process high quality deals that originate from the Firm's/ Grs network.
- Clarification: if a founder is a friend of the GP, has worked with the GP, or is a member of the GPs network, she shouldn't count that deal as a deal that she sourced because it is basically coming in as a result of the GP. It likely Landed on her desk as the result of a lot of effort that occurs prior to her meeting that founder.
Senior Associate |
- Lead ASSOCiate Team on Deals
- Deal Sourcing
- Financial Modeling
- Market Research
- Deal Diligence
N/A |
- A successful Senior Associates stands out by demonstrating that she can leverage the firm's brand to bring in founders of high quality companies to meet with the partnership
- Successful deal sourcing is usually a result of the firm's brand and/ or that of the General Partners
Associate |
- Lead ASSOCiate Team on Deals
- Deal Sourcing
- Financial Modeling
- Market Research
- Deal Diligence
N/A |
- A successful associate prduces similar quality work to that of the analyst, but also analyzes the data and produces rcommendations. The associate also engages in networking for the purpose of deal sourcing.
- at this stage successful deal sourcing is usually a result of the firm's brand and/ or that of the General Partners
Analyst |
- Financial Modeling
- Market Research
- Deal Diligence
N/A |
- A successful analyst produces solid work product that the senior member of the deal team can depend on for deal and market analysis
Business Development Specialist Consultant |
- Cultivate strong business relationships with key decision makers
- Proactively identify new opportunities and deliver innovative solutions to customers
- Develop market strategies by researching lists of high potential prospects
- Managing Venture Funding campaign as an Account Manager
- Recruiting startups or ventures looking for funding
- Managing Venture Funding campaign as an Account Manager
- Assisting recruited venture account crowd funding campaign process funding platform.
- Responsible and ensuring that funding campaign is successfully launched
- Assisting venture in promotion and marketing their funding campaign to prospective investors using various social media platforms
- Managing and responsible for campaign funding activities until funding goal is reached or duration of funding campaign completed.
- Managing and responsible for funding campaign close out coordinating close out activities with account venture
- Preparing campaign completions and final platform exit documentation
- Managing fund release process and ensuring that campaign funds are released to venture company designated campaign funds executive. PLAN
N/A |
- TechWorld venture LLC will pay each special the sum of $100.00 on each account sign up every month until campaign is ended and a campaign is expected to last not more than 90 days from its kick off date to a completion date. Some venture will take less time to reach funding goal while others will take more time to reach their goal.
- TechWorld Venture LLC will provide or make a total of 7% of total funding campaign funds as a compensation for managing each account in an Independent Business Development Specialist portfolio.